Seventh Grade

When I got to school on August 26th, I thought, “This will be a total breeze”. Man, did I think wrong.

By the second day, I was already ready to tap out. They were already overwhelming us with pointless homework. It seemed like every night I had at least half a pound worth of homework. I once had to carry a rock around as a counter weight so I wouldn’t tumble backward! And I only had eight days off from all that homework out of 180 days. That’s almost half an entire year! On TOP of the fact that we have to do more work than we should, seven times a day, eight hours a day, five days a week, for 8 1/2 months a year. Who divided this? I am a man of equality, and that is most certainly NOT equality right there!

And to top all of that misery off, you get home, knowing the school day is over, thinking you can relax… ah… oh, wait, there’s MORE work you have to do at home! The whole point of going home on a school day is to RELAX, not more school! We all might as well stay at school for an additional three hours if we get this much! My older sister gets less than half the homework I get, and she’s a Freshman in high school. HIGH SCHOOL. If the school really want us to pass, then why is it so hard? Well, I know its supposed to be challenging, but its WAY too challenging. All homework does is cause extreme depression and stress, which is actually unhealthy, especially at this age. Seriously. The joke has gotten old by now.

But, all that is almost over, as the school year comes to a close. I hope work in eighth grade isn’t as bad as seventh grade’s work. Unless one teacher is cruel enough to give us homework over the summer. Don’t even think about it.

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