My Shooting Range (Wimps Call it a Backyard)

I obtained a pair of glasses from a crate in my garage. But this was not because I have bad vision, but it was my weekly gunning practice. Not a real gun, but air soft. I owned five, a Beretta 92, a Desert Eagle, an RPD, an R37, and an M34. Which do I need more experience with?
The Beretta shoots far, hard and 2 at a time, but it takes what seems to be three years to reload it. The Desert Eagle was accurate and easy to reload, but it did not have much power. The RPD is powerful, easy to reload, but inaccurate. My R37 is accurate and powerful, but hard to reload. And the M34 is weak, but accurate and I don’t need to worry about reloading. They all had their advantages and disadvantages, so I decided to use them all.

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